Kayla (2023)
A one-shot video touching upon the delayed realized gravity of life-altering decisions.
Alive! (2022)
A candid journey through some of my lows, but with an ultimately uplifting message.
Ass Like That 2 (2022)
A video about love, loss, lust, and ass. Featuring a puppet of myself a la Eminem.
U.G.L.Y. (2022)
Trippy visuals, unique shots, and a PG way to watch me smash on camera.
Magic When It Comes Together (2022)
A music video that would have made more sense if a certain NH cinema chain was chill.
The Balance (2020)
Featuring real audio from random street performers who I taught my song to on the spot.
High Strung (2020)
A one-shot video where I play guitar, drums, bass, and sing simultaneously… sort of.
All music videos directed by Dan Bauer